James Roche, III & Michele Harper - 1st Place - Division A

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

Alyssa Fodrie & Chris Boice - 2nd Place - Division A

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

Selena Kessinger & Kevin Kennett - 3rd Place - Division A

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

Dawn Lienhop & Brandon Hoffman - 4th Place - Division A

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

April Fodrie & Gifford (Ed) Fodrie, Jr. - 5th Place - Division A

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

Moises Arcelay & Sylvia Reyna - 6th Place - Division A

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

  David Cook & Shari Niles - 1st Place - Division B

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

Stacey Harper  & Harold Harper, Jr. - 2nd Place - Division B

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

Ben Bryngelson & Beverly Laughlin- 3rd Place - Division B

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

  Ernest Pinder & Karen Pinder - 4th Place - Division B

  Shari Moyer & Walter Moyer - 5th Place - Division B

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

 Sandra Kessinger & Bruce Boughter - 6th Place - Division B


  Brian Ludden & Kathy Hayden - 6th Place - Division B

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett

Gerald Gordon & Joanne Gordon, Jr. - 8th Place - Division B

Presented by Second Vice President Bob Barrett


Sharper Creations Copyright © 2014-2015
West Volusia USBC Bowling Association
All rights reserved. Revised: February 17, 2019

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